Comprehensive Board Review Course


Modern solutions in Implant prosthetics
Release Date: June 2nd, 2021
CE Credits: 1CE (Self Study)
Provider: Tamimi Academy

Dental studies: 1988 - 1994 in Hamburg/Germany
Graduate of the University of Dentistry / University of Hamburg : March 1994
Dental assistant in Dental Clinic of Dr. Nikola Laux( pioneer of Implantology from 1983) : April 1994 - April 1996
Established in Hamburg in own clinik with Dr. Nikola Laux: 1996 – 1998
Course leader and speaker since 1996 for Paraplant 2000 and from 2004-2007 for Bredent medical (keynote Speaker in Taiwan ICOI Kongress)
Established in Welzheim with Antje Laux in own clinik: from July 1998
Established in Murrhardt second Dental-Clinik from 2014
Founder and chairman of Laux-Prothetik est. 2005
Member DGZI since 1998 Menmber of DGOI and BDIZ
Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt Implantologie Konsensuskonferenz BDIZ: since 1999
Studied at the Danube University Krems 2003-2008
Degree Master of Science Oral Surgery 2006
Degree Master of Science Implantology 2008
Doctoral thesis 2009 cum laude
Beginning from first patient contact, evaluating patients expectations, and making plans to fulfill these expectations , there are a lot of steps that are necessary for success. Taking the main view on prosthetics, we will discuss possibilities with and without implants. To get success with removable prosthetics the focus is the telescopic technics . With telescopic technics you can get function for decades. There are patients that are satisfied beginning in 1998. Often the patients had periodontal problems and they have needs of high hygienical standards. The removable gumfree bridge in combination with implants will be discussed. On the other hand fixed prosthetics on implants single crowns up to fullarche solutions, will be shown step by step, including new technics in impression taking(Complete-Abutment) and using patented abutments (smiling-cone,the-Titan,LTA and others).

Tamimi Academy is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
Tamimi Academy designates this activity for 1 continuing education credits.